June 2020
Best Picture
The Reckoning
Neil Marshall
Best Narrative Feature
The Reckoning
Neil Marshall
Best Narrative Short
Reza Sam Mosadegh
Honorable Mention: Narrative Film
Countless Sheep
Rhett Wellington, Riley Robbins
Best Indie Short
Alex Fedosov, Elvira Sinelnik
Honorable Mention: Indie Film
Moonlight Motel
Jordan Paley
Best Drama
Hell of Mirrors
Chucky Kom, Benjamin Choi
Honorable Mention: Drama
Egg Fried Rice
Wai Kuen Fu
Best Comedy
Stick To Manual
Christian Antonini, Tanice Arnold
Honorable Mention: Comedy
Anyone for President
Matt Nye
Best Dark Comedy
Boris Bilic
Honorable Mention: Dark Comedy
When Did That Happen?
Stephen Burhoe, Rafael Velasquez, Christina Hope Gonzales, Katy Tierney
Best Romantic Comedy
Lend Me Your Sugar
Geir Jardar Olsen
Best Thriller
Acid Fantasy
Lorenzo Lanzillotti
Honorable Mention: Thriller
Kevin Austra
Best Horror
Johannes Franke
Honorable Mention: Horror
Bryan Wynn Sutton, John Roche
Best Romance Film
Virtually Together
John Argelander
Honorable Mention: Romance Film
Elanor Miller
Best Sci-Fi
Emily Skye
Honorable Mention: Sci-Fi
Mattia Fiumani
Best Experimental Film
Tibor Vona
Honorable Mention: Experimental Film
The Clothes Wear You
Kitsch Doom
Best Inspirational Film
Kevin Welbeck
Best Musical/Dance Film
Let The Rest Of The World Go By
Donny Walker
Best Mystery Film
Desolation Throe
Veronika Waga, Sebastian Waga
Best Crime Film
Black & White
Wai Kuen Fu
Honorable Mention: Crime Film
Criminal Mimes
Harrison Klein
Best Action Film
Office 86
Jyo Carolino
Best Web/TV Pilot
Harbor Island
Tiffany Rhodes
Honorable Mention: Web/TV Pilot
All In Favor
Sally Lomidze
Best Web Series
Jarard Kings
Best Documentary Feature
O'Neil Bürgi
Best Documentary Short
Sonya Slidez
Abbey Spacil
Honorable Mention: Documentary
Rhyme and Poetry
Dennis Chehade
Best Animation
Stick To Manual
Christian Antonini, Tanice Arnold
Honorable Mention: Animation
Chong Liu, Kuan Ting Lu, Han Chen Chang
Best Music Video
Bukahara - Happy
Susanne Frericks, Stefan Wiesner, Rick Schepkers, Dennis Weber, Annalena Sekula, Min Tesch, Leni Wolf, Boban Milosevic
Honorable Mention: Music Video
Manuel Yasir Baldoceda Cerdán
Best Student Film
Pork Chop
Katherine Guggenberger
Honorable Mention: Student Film
Manyu Yang
Best Microfilm
Tapped Out
Logan Webb
Best Director (Feature)
The Reckoning
Neil Marshall
Best Director (Short)
Black & White
Wai Kuen Fu
Honorable Mention: Director
The Train to Qinling
Shir Baron
Best First Time Director
Silent Starling
Sam Burke
Honorable Mention: First Time Director
Lia Wang
Best Indie Filmmaker
It's That Guy!
Jean Paul San Pedro
Honorable Mention: Indie Filmmaker
John Walbolt
Best Young Filmmaker
Kaleb Laidman
Best Actor
The Reckoning
Sean Pertwee
Honorable Mention: Actor
Robert Chestnut
Best Actress
The Reckoning
Charlotte Kirk
Honorable Mention: Actress
Charlotte Krenz
Best Actor in an Indie Film
Noah Copfer
Best Actress in an Indie Film
Baby in the Basement
Josette Aderhold
Best Supporting Actor
As the Wave Broke
Micky Jukovic
Best Supporting Actress
Jordan Wilson
Best Young Actor
Keveon Keggler
Best Young Actress
Harbor Island
Lacey Caroline
Best Child Actor
The Angel In The Globe
Emperor Kaioyus
Best Duo
Charlotte Krenz & Markus Knüfken
Honorable Mention: Duo
Countless Sheep
Marco Delvecchio & Anna Daines
Best Cinematography
The Reckoning
Luke Bryant
Honorable Mention: Cinematography
Lukas Tielke
Best Editing
The Reckoning
Neil Marshall
Honorable Mention: Editing
Acid Fantasy
Lorenzo Lanzillotti
Best Score
Stick To Manual
Frazier Smith
Honorable Mention: Score
Pork Chop
Steven Yannacone
Best Song
Always By Your Side
Katie Hardyman, Mick Evans
Inspiring Woman in a Film
As the Wave Broke
Katerina Giannakopoulou
Best Original Story
The Reckoning
Neil Marshall, Charlotte Kirk, Edward Evers-Swindell
Honorable Mention: Original Story
Andrew T. Horng
Screenplay of the Month
Evolution Zero
Madeline Rooks
Best Feature Screenplay
Evolution Zero
Madeline Rooks
Honorable Mention: Feature Screenplay
In the Land of Angels
Rich Vincent, Jacob Vincent
Best Short Screenplay
Fog of War
Steven Lundgren
Honorable Mention: Short Screenplay
Don Willis
Best Drama Screenplay
Damien Mulvany
Honorable Mention: Drama Screenplay
Great Again
Jessi Thind, Mathieu Larivere
Best Comedy Screenplay
It's Just A Game
Jim Norman
Honorable Mention: Comedy Screenplay
Power Move
Michael Ellis
Best Action Screenplay
Black Rose
Uzair Merchant
Best Dark Comedy Screenplay
Super Turbo Overdrive
Peter Hsieh
Best Thriller Screenplay
Evolution Zero
Madeline Rooks
Best Sci-Fi Screenplay
Mars is Ours
Clifford David Paris
Best First Time Screenwriter (Feature)
Good Grief
Emily Rued
Honorable Mention: First Time Screenwriter (Feature)
The Dead Collector
Rajiv Kachappilly
Best First Time Screenwriter (Short)
Countless Sheep
Rhett Wellington
Best Television Script
The Fairy Godmother's Apprentice
Leslie Bloom, Todd Naylor
Winners may order the official
LAFA statuette